#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » Álbum de fotos » Bastidores » With theo, like a Diva

With theo, like a Diva

Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Brigitte Bardot and Judy Garland must be the most famous divas of all times. theo designer Patrick Hoet wanted to put the same ‘grandeur’ in an eyewear collection. He came up with four models, very much ‘in your face’. One frame seems to be caught in another one. The emphasis is always on the inside frame. Divas like to hide behind their sunglasses. You might say they use it as a mask, a shield. Our divas work in the same way. The wearer’s eyes are not visible from the sides. But make no mistake: with a Marilyn, Grace, Brigitte or Judy on your nose you may try to run, but you cannot hide!

by theo
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Adicionado 01/08/13 netoangel

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