#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » Álbum de fotos » Bastidores » The dreamlike dimension of #PHILIPPPLEIN

The dreamlike dimension of #PHILIPPPLEIN

For the pre fall 2014 collection Philipp Plein creates all over prints in dreamy visions, a kaleidoscope of varying shapes,
far-away destinations and iconic symbols blended together.

Jackets, maxi and mini dresses, t-shirts and accessories, Philipp Plein’s imagination materializes in collage prints, as whimsical as they are detailed.
Multicolor photographic collages. Like the jaws of a tiger, multiplied to infinity.
A surreal Taj Mahal is superimposed on images of elephants in the desert and jeweled panthers.
Fiery flames engulfing Baroque vaulted ceilings, and dreamy reflections of oriental marketplaces.

by #Philipp Plein
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Adicionado 21/05/14 netoangel

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