#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » Álbum de fotos » Bastidores » Play Time on VIP Art

Play Time on VIP Art

Play is typified by spontaneity, joyfulness - it is done not as a means to an end but for its inherent pleasure. Tap into your inner child and enjoy a selection of works from Marc Dennis, Hoang Duong Cam, Rick Finkelstein, Gerard Quenum, Haim Steinbach, Michael Lee, Jorg Dubin, Marcell Mariën, Tracy Snelling, Paolo Ventura, Thomas Doyle and Thomas Allen.

Press/image VIP Art
Em tamanho original 738x600 / 55.1Kb
553 0 5.0

Adicionado 23/02/13 netoangel

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