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Introducing the women’s A/W Collection @Belstaff

Introducing the women’s A/W ’15 Collection @Belstaff

The AW15 collection explores the concept of a woman taking off into a natural realm with no frontiers or limitations, and all that she needs is the clothing on her back. Taking inspiration from the first pioneering women to dress in Belstaff, aviatrixes Amelia Earhart and Amy Johnson, the collection is a dynamic interpretation of the inherent danger and excitement of the natural world, allowing her to live fast and free in an ever-changing environment.

This collection, Delphine Ninous’ first for Belstaff as Vice President of Women’s Design, was presented in a beautiful, slightly crumbling mansion, among a setting of vintage parachute silks, evoking the heritage of the brand as supplier to pioneering pilots and the British army.

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Adicionado 25/02/15 netoangel

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