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Global Spotlight: Tel Aviv

Known in Israel as "the Bubble," Tel Aviv has long been the country's most dynamic technological and economic hub—as well as a beachside playground seemingly isolated from the conflicts raging in Gaza and the rest of the region. Over the last decade, however, a vibrant, critically engaged contemporary art scene has taken root in the city, transforming Tel Aviv into Israel's most cutting-edge cultural capital, with galleries and museums serving as sites for discourse about the country's strained political climate (which residents refer to euphemistically as "the situation"). In the process, the city has launched some of the most innovative and gripping contemporary artists working today—stars like Keren Cytter, Mika Rottenberg, and Tamy Ben-Tor, who now show internationally with major museum and gallery shows around the world. And for collectors looking for emerging talent, Tel Aviv's gallery scene is one of the art world's favorite new destinations. This show is presented in partnership with Artspace.

by VIP Art
Em tamanho original 1170x490 / 179.3Kb
670 0 5.0

Adicionado 30/04/13 netoangel

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