#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2011 » Julho » 14 » BURBERRY LAUNCHES NEW FRAGRANCE "BURBERRY BODY"
"Burberry Body é o lançamento mais excitante que nós já criamos e captura o espírito icônico do que é a marca atualmente de uma maneira arrebatadora e sensual. O estilo despretensioso de Rosie e sua impactante beleza a fez ser a escolha natural como o primeiro "Corpo Burberry” Christopher Bailey, Diretor Criativo de Burberry.
A campanha foi dirigida por Christopher Bailey e mostra Rosie Huntington-Whiteley vestindo apenas um trench coat rosa dourado de seda e a fragrância.
A Burberry criará um icônico em seu portfólio de "Burberry bodies” fotografado por Mario Testino, tornando a fragrância um ícone nos próximos anos.
O Burberry Body será lançada em mais de 150 países a partir de 1º de setembro de 2011 e mais detalhes da inovadora embalagem, fragrância e essência serão revelados nas próximas semanas. No Brasil, a fragrância estará à venda a partir de outubro.

"Burberry Body is the most exciting release we've ever created and captures the spirit of the iconic brand that is currently a sweeping and sensual way. The unassuming style of Rosie and her striking beauty made her be the natural choice as the first" Body Burberry" Christopher Bailey, Creative Director of Burberry.

''It's an honor to work with Burberry again, a brand that has put my career on the map and helped launch me. Being invited to be the first "Burberry Body" is a wonderful compliment”. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

British actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is the first to represent the Burberry Body starring Multimia global advertising campaign.

The campaign was directed by Christopher Bailey and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley shows wearing only a trench coat and silk pink gold fragrance.

Burberry The Body will be presented through a dynamic online and offline activity, events, innovative digital and high visibility, communication disruptive combining tradition and technology.

Burberry creates an iconic portfolio of "Burberry bodies" photographed by Mario Testino, making the fragrance an icon in the coming years.

Burberry The Body will be released in over 150 countries from 1 September 2011 and details of the innovative packaging, fragrance and essence will be revealed in coming weeks. In Brazil, the fragrance will be available from October. 

Image/ Copyright © Burberry / Testino"
Press Rovella & Schultz Boutique Press
Categoria: Narciso | Visualizações: 1004 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Burberry Body, parfum, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, luxury | Ranking: 0.0/0
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