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Patrik Frisk of Timberland Confirmed to Speak #luxo
14/04/14, 15:50

Recently named Coalition President, VF Outdoor Americas, Patrik Frisk is Timberland's former President, a position he held for over two years. Now overseeing SmartWool, The North Face, JanSport and Lucy brands, Frisk is still focused on Timberland becoming a leaner, more focused brand that isn't afraid to embrace style.

At this year's FN Summit in NYC, he will discuss his plan to move Timberland away from high performance products and to an outdoor-inspired lifestyle brand that caters to a consumer who has a passion for the outdoors.

As part of his strategy, Frisk will create a more cleaned-up, more segmented distribution that will eliminate one-off items, instead creating families of products. Frisk also seeks to bring production back to the US, and is pursuing international growth opportunities in South America, the Middle East, Northern Europe, and China in the next five to 10 years.

by #Fairchild Summits

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: VF Outdoor Americas, Fairchild Summits, TIMBERLAND, Patrik Frisk, FN Summit in NYC, President
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