#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Fevereiro » 4 » White Turf 2013 currently living
White Turf 2013 currently living
10,500 spectators came along to the initial 2013 White Turf event. Rather cloudy in the beginning, theweather
improved during the afternoon with more and more sunny spells. The sum of 65,690 Swiss francs passed the betting
counter, a true increase compared to the 59,308 Swiss francs twelve months ago, however with one race less.
The ‘Grand Prix Guardaval Immobilien’ was dominated  by six-year old Amazing Beauty from the stable of Michael Figge.

Grand prix of St.Moritz’. African Art (Daniele Porcu) the winner of the Grand Prix of St. Moritz could not do better than seventh last year.
The initial ‘Grand Prix Handels- und Gewerbeverein St. Moritz’ with Le Big as a winner, was extremely exciting. Trainer
Philipp Schärer could celebrate a one two victory as  his protégé Zack Tiger (Daniele Porcu) came second,  in front of
Chapman. ‘The entire race was exceptional. Even though Le Big was slightly struggling from the final bend, he
managed to speed up again’, explained the winner Andre Best. With Run the Show (Daniele Porcu), Philipp Schärer
also provided the winner of the final prize of ‘Hotelleriesuisse und Galoppfreunde Schweiz’ in front ofthe strongly
fancied stable mate Saltas (Eduardo Pedroza). The ‘Grand Prix American Airlines’ with jockeys from six nations went to
England thanks to Ancient Greece.

The ‚Grand Prix Data Quest‘, the first of the two trotting races, went with Paradiso Fox to the stable of Walter Theiler,
who led the gelding himself towards an easy-going victory. At the second trotting race, the ‘Grand Prix  Koller AG’,
favourite Mask du Granit assured his victory. The gelding from the stable of Jean-Francois Johner was led by Laurence Kindler.

White Turf St. Moritz:

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 943 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: White Turf St. Moritz, White Turf | Ranking: 0.0/0
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