#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Fevereiro » 10 » Wellness Retreat at #CapellaSingapore
Wellness Retreat at #CapellaSingapore
The  road  of  good  intentions  towards  keeping  fit  and  living  a  healthy lifestyle  is  often  hard  fought.  To  help  guests  embark  on  their  journey  of  wellness,  Capella  Singapore introduces Singapore’s first wellness retreat programme.

Capella Singapore will be working with a team of locally acclaimed Dieticians from Eat Right Singapore to specially  create  healthy  set  menus  based  on  human  nutritional  needs.  The  experience  is  further personalised with a one-to-one consultation with  a certified  Dietician upon check  in. The three-day twonight  package  presents  a  holistic  wellness  journey,  where  guests  will  enjoy  a  Personal  Training  and Sunrise Yoga session as well as a luxurious massage at the award-winning Auriga spa.

Situated just minutes away from the city, Capella Singapore offers an easy escape; with 30 lush acres of tranquil gardens juxtaposed against the magnificent South China Sea. The Capella Singapore Wellness Retreat package is the perfect start one’s wellness journey in the midst of a hectic urban lifestyle.
  1.  60 minute private consultation with a Dietician
  2.  Daily nutritionist approved breakfast lunch and dinner at The Knolls
  3.  60 minute Personal Training session
  4.  90 minutes massage at Auriga spa
  5.  60 minute Sunrise Yoga
A  choice  of  nutritionist  approved  snacks  is  also  available  for  guests  during  their  stay.  Full  itinerary  is
available in Annexure A.

All  Capella  Singapore  Wellness  Retreats  must  be  made  72  hours  in  advance,  any  changes  or cancellations  to  the  reservation  must  be  made  at  least  48  hours  prior  to  arrival.  For  any  cancellations made less than 48 hours in advance, the full cost of one night will be charged.

For all hotel bookings, please contact the Capella Singapore Reservations Team at +65 6591 5000 or
email reservations.singapore@capellahotels.com .

Wellness Retreat at Capella Singapore

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 554 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Viagem, Wellness Retreat, luxury, hotel, luxo, Relações Públicas em Luxo, Ásia, Marketing de Luxo, Capella Singapore | Ranking: 0.0/0
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