#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Julho » 23 » Welcome to Sun & Earth Designs
Welcome to Sun & Earth Designs
Our messages of inspiration and religious items to remind you of your own light and help you on your journey to inner peace.

I’ve followed a lifetime passion to combine my love of creating with spirituality. And when I began this path, I was inspired to share two very strong messages with you—"Theosis” (or becoming God-like) and "Unity.” So I’ve created two jewelry lines around each of these themes under the name of Eleni, not only my baptised name, but the name taken from Saint Helen….who was said to have discovered Christ’s "true” cross and inspired her son, Emperor Constantine, to Christianity. She is venerated in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
I hope that the site will become a community where we can all grow spiritually and share in God’s
Luxury is faith, is love is desires in love across all religions, in a true spirit of Unity.

SOMERVILLE — Borough-based Sun and Earth Designs launched this summer with two hand-crafted jewelry collections.

The Unity Collection promotes world unity through the symbols of all major religions. The collection is a representation of symbols of the major religions of the world: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Native Worship and Islam. Each piece comes with its own story of significance on parchment.

The Our Life's Purpose Collection is predicated on the ancient Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Christian ideology that all are created in God's likeness and that our primary purpose on Earth is to really become God-like through Christ.

Pieces are offered in silver and bronze with semi-precious stones and may be rendered in gold and platinum with customized gemstones. All packaging is eco-friendly.

The collection may be augmented with hand-crafted silk chains from Milan available in a myriad of colors.

Sun and Earth Designs will allocate a percentage of profits to programs that help children with cancer and religious organizations that promote unity and peace.


The collections are available at 78 N. Bridge St. For more information, visit www.sunandearthdesigns.com.

Welcome to Sun & Earth Designs

by Sun & Earth Designs
Categoria: #Desejos | Visualizações: 608 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: art, Sun & Earth Designs, luxury, jewel, Welcome | Ranking: 5.0/1
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