#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Junho » 13 » Under the program foreshadowing Lafayette Anticipation
Under the program foreshadowing Lafayette Anticipation
The building of the Galeries Lafayette Corporate Foundation will soon be revamped. It is from the architectural project designed by OMA, led by Rem Koolhaas, the building will complete its transformation.

Under the program foreshadowing Lafayette Anticipation, the Foundation to present the heart of 3 to 6 July, 2014 as well as the architectural projects in recent months project.

After nearly nine months occupied by teams from the Foundation and more than a dozen artists, the building of 9 rue du Plaster anchored in the urban fabric of the Marais, is revealed as a space of total freedom for creation. Designed in the collective experience and critical dialogue, exhibitions, events and performances made between October 2013 and June 2014 have experienced the place, even before its restoration in its operational flexibility and inclination to keep open the window unexpected.

In the context of this exhibition, the Foundation invites the public to share the art movement, to come and see the building 9 rue du Plaster and come see its architectural and artistic projects. Come come see where the past, present and future exist simultaneously Foundation presents a new production innovative, committed to all creators and open to the wider public.

Thursday 3 to Saturday, July 5, 2014, 13h-21h
And Sunday, July 6, 2014, 13h-17h

Presentation designed by OMA / AMO and the Galeries Lafayette Corporate Foundation, with the intervention of the artist Pierre Giner.
Works and projects with guest artists in residence:

by #
Groupe Galeries Lafayette
Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 859 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Bruno Botella, Will Benedict, Mimosa Echard, Simon Fujiwara, luxo, Arnaud Bertrand and Dezoteux, Groupe Galeries Lafayette, Davide Cascio, Xavier Antin | Ranking: 0.0/0
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