#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Fevereiro » 19 » #THEMICAM: GLIMMERS OF HOPE IN THE ITALIAN MARKET

The  latest  theMICAM  event,  the  international  trade  fair  dedicated  to  the  fashion  and business  of  footwear,  has  come  to  a  close,  having  drawn  32,112  visitors,  15,697  of which came from outside Italy.

'theMICAM has once again demonstrated its capacity to attract the most important players on  the  international  scene  and  to  be  a  key  event  for  footwear  fashion  trends,  thanks  in part  to  the  debut  this  season  of runway  shows,  which  strengthened  the  fashion  and glamour aspects of the fair', explained  Cleto Sagripanti, theMICAM  president.  'Positive signals  came  from  the  Italian  buyers  who  visited  the  event  to  finalise  orders:  Italian visitors  exceeded  non-Italian  ones  this  year,  for  the  first  time  since  September 2011.  The  markets  in  Russia  and  the  surrounding  area  were  clearly  in  difficulty,  with  a sharp drop in Russian and Ukrainian visitors, falling almost by half. Beyond the numbers, a message  of  cautious  optimism  was  conveyed  by  theMICAM  and  its  1,516  exhibitors,  who continue to value this event and confirm their trust with every new edition.'

Of special note were important delegations from South East Asia  and an increase in visitors  from  Spain  (the country  with  the  highest  number  of  theMICAM  visitors)  and Portugal.

In  addition  to  difficulties  in  certain  international  markets,  the  event  was  certainly  also affected  by  overlaps  with  and  date  changes  for  other  fashion  events:  the  priority  for theMICAM and Assocalzaturifici will be to work together with the other trade fairs and the main fashion events towards harmonising the international calendar.

theMICAM has confirmed its central position as a key event for fashion footwear trends.  The Autumn/Winter 2015/2016 collections of 1,516 exhibitors, 629 of which were non-Italian, were presented in the pavilions of Fiera Milano Rho.

The big news this season were the runway shows  held during the first three days of the  event  at  theMICAMsquare  and  organised  in  collaboration  with  Studio  Rosemary Ferrari  and  WGSN.  Female,  male  and  child  models  from  the  exhibiting  businesses  (which were  selected  by  WGSN)  paraded  down  the  catwalk,  offering  a  survey  of  the  trends  in each  of  the  six  lifestyle  categories  defining  theMICAM's  themed  pavilions:  Contemporary, Street, Urban, Active, Cosmopolitan and Luxury. The shows were a big public success.

'With so many markets in difficulty, the added value of theMICAM', emphasised president Sagripanti',  is its international dimension and capacity to  offer a global panorama  of the main  businesses  and  leading  international  buyers.  This  means  making  it  possible  to  open up to new markets and diversify one's own business. The most interesting challenges are without a doubt the US market and that of the Far East, an area which will soon welcome industry leaders at theMICAMshanghai, which will be showing off a new look from 18 to 20 March.'

Of  major  importance  for  the  industry  was  the  attendance  of  the  Italian  Vice  Minister  for Economic Development,  Carlo  Calenda,  at  the  opening;  a  sign  of  the  government's attention to an important sector for the Italian economy.

'The  footwear  industry  is  a  major  example  of  real  economy  and  an  important  part  of  the Italian GDP: therefore, we cannot give in to the crisis. Instead we must regain momentum and optimism', explained  Sagripanti. 'The Confindustria estimates for 2015 give us hope that  Italian  consumption  might  act  as  a  driving  force  for  economic  recovery  and  the government,  thanks  to  the  support  of  Vice  Minister  Calenda,  has  finally  turned  the spotlight  on  manufacturing  excellence  and  developed  a  concrete  plan  for  trade  fair  policy and  support  for  Italian-made  products.  At  the  European  level  as  well,  there  is  a  major battle  underway  to  support  manufacturing.  Bolstered  by  these  positive  signs,  we  will  not give in and we will not lose faith in the future of our industry and our businesses.'

In addition to the runway shows,  theMICAMsquare, a place for  industry professionals to meet  during  the  fair,  hosted  stimulating  training  sessions  throughout  the  entire  event focused  on  fashion  trends  for  autumn/winter  2015/2016,  new  developments  in  global retail  and  guidelines  for  the  design  of  spring/summer  2016  collections.  The  experts  from WGSN  also  presented  'buyers  briefings'  to  guide  industry  professionals  through  the footwear and accessories fashion trends for the upcoming seasons.

theMICAM's  evening  event  also  put  footwear  in  the  spotlight:  Night  in  the  Limelight featured  an  exclusive  runway  show  celebrating  Italian-made  footwear,  a  moving performance  by  violinist  Saule  Kilaite  and  music  from  special  guest  Mario  Biondi. 

The evening also saw the announcement of the winners of the theMICAMaward, a prize given to  the  best  ambassadors  of  Italian  footwear  in  Italy  and  abroad,  selected  by  the  event exhibitors. The prize for the best Italian buyer was awarded to Sorelle Ramonda, a Veneto chain  of  'shop  in  shop'  clothing  stores.  The  prize  for  best  foreign  buyer  instead  went  to ESTATE  for  the  QINGDAO  DYNA-PAC  IMPORT  &  EXPORT  CO.,  LTD  group,  with headquarters in Qingdao, China, which manages  eight stores, most  of which multi-brand, in  the  major  Chinese  cities,  stocked  with  the  best  international  women's,  men's  and children's labels.

The next edition of theMICAM will take place from 1 to 4 September 2015


Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 897 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Russia, CAUTIOUS, market, Trouble, Italian, GLIMMERS, hope, optimism, theMICAM, SPITE | Ranking: 0.0/0
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