#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Dezembro » 3 » The Winchester Bible
The Winchester Bible

Masterfully illuminated pages from two volumes of the magnificent, lavishly ornamented Winchester Bible—a pivotal landmark of medieval art from around 1200—will be shown at The Metropolitan Museum of Art for three months, beginning December 9, in the exhibition The Winchester Bible: A Masterpiece of Medieval Art.  Probably commissioned around 1155–60 by the wealthy and powerful Henry of Blois (1129–1171), who was the Bishop of Winchester (and grandson of William the Conqueror and King Stephen’s brother), the manuscript is the Cathedral’s single greatest surviving treasure. Renovations at Winchester Cathedral provide the opportunity for these pages, which feature the Old Testament, to travel to New York. This presentation marks the first time the work will be shown in the United States. At the Metropolitan Museum, the pages of one bound volume will be turned once each month; three unbound bi-folios with lavish initials from the other volume—which is currently undergoing conservation—will be on view simultaneously for the duration of the exhibition. 

The exhibition is made possible by the Michel David-Weill Fund.  
The Winchester Bible has been lent by The Chapter of Winchester Cathedral.

Image caption:Opening for the Book of Jeremiah (detail), Jeremiah receives his prophecy from God. Winchester Bible, fol. 148r. Tempera and gold on parchment. Winchester Cathedral Priory of Saint Swithun, ca. 1150–80. Lent by the Chapter of Winchester Cathedral. Image: © The Chapter of Winchester Cathedral

Image caption:Opening for the Book of Jeremiah (detail), Jeremiah receives his prophecy from God. Winchester Bible, fol. 148r. Tempera and gold on parchment. Winchester Cathedral Priory of Saint Swithun, ca. 1150–80. Lent by the Chapter of Winchester Cathedral. Image: © The Chapter of Winchester Cathedral

#The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 564 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: The Winchester Bible: A Masterpiece, publicidade, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Marketing, museu, Relações Públicas em Luxo | Ranking: 0.0/0
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