#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Fevereiro » 14 » The Science of Aging Beautifully
The Science of Aging Beautifully
Since time immemorial, we have searched for the fountain of youth: those legendary waters that allow us eternal youth or even help us to achieve eternal life.
Science works with very tangible methods on the realization of this human dream. A significant step in this direction has been achieved by the American dermatologist Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone.
The author of several New York Times best-sellers created a sensation with his pioneering and radical theses which, one after the other were, proved and verified and cast a whole new light on the subject of skin aging.
"Wrinkled, sagging skin is not the inevitable result of growing older. It is a disease and you can fight it. You can look your best, feel your best, and enjoy beautiful skin and optimal health every day of your life.”
Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone
 The Science of Aging Beautifully
Discover the revolutionary care and anti-aging products by Perricone MD that are better
than any scalpel!

 The Science of Aging Beautifully
Our Valentine’s Day prize draw runs until 23:59 O’clock on the 13th February 2013. Don’t miss out on the chance to win one of our great prizes. For more information click here.

Aus Liebe zum Duft
Categoria: Narciso | Visualizações: 931 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: luxury, Aus Liebe zum Duft, The Science of Aging Beautifully, beauty, Parfüm | Ranking: 5.0/1
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