#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Abril » 1 » The Peninsula Bangkok Launches New Holistic Wellness Platform
The Peninsula Bangkok Launches New Holistic Wellness Platform
Exclusive Sleep Treatments By ESPA, And Spa Treatments Inspired By Thai MonksCombining the best of Ayurveda, Asian tradition and Western practice, The Peninsula Hotels is launching Peninsula Wellness, a refreshed and re-invigorated spa, wellness and healthy dining and lifestyle programme.

The Peninsula Bangkok has been inaugurated as a global centre of spa and wellness excellence – aiming to relax and rejuvenate mind and body, and escape the stress of modern living.

With Thailand often acclaimed as the haven of Oriental health practices, The Peninsula Wellness Centre has collaborated with Wat Pho Traditional Thai Medical and Massage School, also known as the birthplace of the Thai massage.

“Wat Pho" is referred to as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, as well as being Thailand's first “open” university; Wat Pho is one of the six temples in Thailand that are the highest grade of the first-class Royal temples, where the wisdom of Thai traditional medicine and massage was gathered from many ancestors and is still passed on today.

Further highlights of the new Wellness Centre include The Peninsula Sleep Ceremony, exclusively created by ESPA for stressed travellers, and Sattva by Simply Peninsula vedic aromatherapy-inspired spa treatments formulated by Australian spa brand Subtle Energies exclusively for The Peninsula Hotels.

#TVC Group

Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 628 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Thai Monks, inspired, treatments, ESPA, spa, sleep, Exclusive | Ranking: 0.0/0
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