#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Abril » 8 » The Observatory is the luxury time
The Observatory is the luxury time

The Observatory, new from Mr Jones WatchesThe Observatory. On this watch the time is read from the position of the Sun or Moon around the central image of the earth.

The watch was designed and produced by us in our workshop in London, Crispin Jones explains some of his thinking, " With this design I wanted to explore a different aesthetic - the photograph of the earth seen from space is printed as a four colour separation, something we've never tried before. It was a really special moment when we laid down the fourth colour and the image suddenly came to life!

The exciting thing about doing production here in London is that it allows us to experiment with different techniques and processes, so we can really push the design side in new and unexpected ways".

The upper half the watch face represents 12 hours and this is where you read the time. When you see the sun moving across this area, the time displayed is between 6am and 6pm (running from left to right). After 6pm the sun 'sets' and the moon 'rises'. The therefore moon indicates the hours from 6pm until 6am.

The golden comet indicates the minutes and this runs in the conventional fashion making one revolution of the dial each hour.
Mr Jones Watches is the cult watch brand from London. We believe that a watch should do more than just tell the time: it should make you think, start a conversation or simply make you smile. Our products are designed by Crispin Jones and are conceived and executed following his singular vision.

Please visit our website www.MrJonesWatches.com to see our full range.


by #Mr Jones Watches

Categoria: #Desejos | Visualizações: 637 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Watcher, luxury, The Observatory, Mr Jones Watches | Ranking: 0.0/0
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