#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Junho » 23 » The Magic of Versailles #JaquetDroz
The Magic of Versailles #JaquetDroz

Spending an evening  in the garden of the Orangerie in Versailles watching the Béjart Ballet Lausanne should definitely be a part of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Art of Astonishment is fully realized with the Bejart Ballet Lausanne choreographies and the magnificence of the place. The grace, the exactitude and the precision of the dancers, remind us naturally of the elegance of Jaquet Droz.

The Magic of VersaillesBut watching the Béjart Ballet Lausanne partner of Jaquet Droz in Versailles gardens is full of emotion and memories. In fact two centuries and half before, in June 1775 exactly, Henri Louis Jaquet-Droz, the son of Pierre Jaquet-Droz, was given an audience with Louis XVI, the King of France. Revealing the three automata, the King of France was subjugated, once again the magic of Jaquet Droz has cast its spell.

Last night, in the gardens, emotion and beauty were everywhere. The purity of the dancers underlined by the choreographies, the greatness and the history of the place made this evening unique and memorable. Enchanted by the final “the Bolero”, a one-movement orchestral piece by Maurice Ravel, with an invariant tempo and a repetitive melody, the  guests were dived directly in the tic tac of the time.

Jaquet Droz and Béjart Ballet Lausanne are the result of the collision of two worlds that are perfect artistic counterparts. It is a creative and luminous impact, the fusion of personalities that share the same passion for movement and the inestimable value of these rare and fleeting moments where Beauty occurs. Next time, the magic will take place in Mexico on the 19th July.

by #Jaquet Droz

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 614 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Béjart Ballet Lausanne, collision, Jaquet Droz, Artistic, Perfect, counterparts, worlds, result | Ranking: 0.0/0
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