#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Junho » 20 » THE ITS COMPETITION HAS REVEALED ITS 2014 ACCESSORIES FINALISTS! #MODAMONT
THE ITS COMPETITION HAS REVEALED ITS 2014 ACCESSORIES FINALISTS!This year, Modamont is proud to present the MODAMONT AWARD to the winner of the Accessories Collection of the Year of the ITS 2014 contest, which will be held on July 11th at Trieste, Italy.

10 finalists will have the privilege to show their work to a prestigious jury. The creations of the MODAMONT AWARD winner will be presented at Modamont, on a dedicated area at the entrance of the show from 16 to 18 September 2014.

The accessories finalists: Anuk Yosebashvili (Israeli), Takafumi Arai (Japanese), Ivana Damjanovic (Serbian), Ian Waller (British), Daniel Ramos Obregón (Colombian), Mirja Pitkaart (Estonian), Carolin Holzhuber (Austrian), Rui Bao (Chinese), Maiko Takeda (Japanese) and Olivia Hanson (British). The jury: Johnny Coca  (Celine leather goods and bags), Elena Ghisellini (designer), Marco Grandi (Marketing Director YKK Italy), Valentina Maggi  (Director of the Design Practice at Floriane de St. Pierre), Leonard Kahlcke (winner of Accessories Collection of the Year in 2013), Nicholas Kirkwood (Footwear Designer), Kei Kagami  (Designer & Consultant YKK), Andrea Rosso (Creative Director Diesel licensed products), Isabella Zegrini (Christian Dior Haute Couture Accessories), Barbara Franchin (ITS director&supervisor).

Modamont sponsors ITS for the fifth consecutive year. ITS is a platform providing support for international talent, introducing the brightest minds to various important figures within the fashion world, offering them the opportunity to meet young designers from around the world and giving them the chance to showcase their creations in front of an internationally renowned jury. It is also an important springboard which could be the occasion for finding professional opportunities and the financial resources for preparing their future collections. Modamont fully subscribes to this desire to promote design and encourage young talent and is delighted to be associated with ITS once again.

by #Modamont
Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 645 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Revealed, Competition, ModAmont, accessories, 2014, FINALISTS | Ranking: 0.0/0
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