#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Fevereiro » 13 » The Gunn Report Brings You Love & Romance
The Gunn Report Brings You Love & Romance

Our first commercial (for a Swedish bank and the Cannes Grand Prix winner in 1973) features a roundabout marriage proposal made in a rowing boat on a lake on an idyllic summer's day. In our second ad, set on a gondola in Venice, we meet a man who's only after one thing.


Testosterone levels are sky high in the MTV and Axe spots from Argentina. We see a cautionary approach in the McDonald's ad and a highly precautionary approach in the Anne Klein ad. We see love that's unattainable / love that's transitory / and love that's been escaped from in the Axe 'Susan Glenn', Memorex and Murphy's Irish Stout commercials respectively. In 'Pillow Talk', Disney presents a very sweet tale of love re-kindled in middle-age. While the Australian Milk Authorities focus 30 years further down the line on love in retirement.


There are also several takes on unfaithful love. For Mercedes-Benz (what happens when a car is safe in all weathers). For K Shoes (what happens since the softest leather never creaks). For British Airways (a stunt in a cinema shows how a romantic escape can take an unexpected turn). For Castlemaine XXXX (where a bloke, who's cheating with his best friend's wife, draws the line at nicking his best friend's beer).

Click here to see the list of commercials featured in the reel


Whichever of the above states of Love and Romance might possibly apply to you this year, we hope you enjoy the reel. And have a great Valentine's Day 2015!

#The Gunn Report

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 796 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: shapes, brings, Featuring, forms, playlist, Valentine's Day, Little, love, The Gunn Report, Love & Romance | Ranking: 0.0/0
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