#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Abril » 22 » Spring lets its blue ribbon ...
Spring lets its blue ribbon ...

Unlike last year, we have already been spoiled in the run up to Easter with warm spring temperatures. The sun shows itself from its best side and, suitable for these wonderful days, I would like to present to you
today the latest fragrance creations in our collection.

With their L'Esprit Colognes, The Different Company has created a selection of light yet amazing fragrances. The collection has now been complemented by the fragrances:

White Zagora, Kâshân Rose und South Bay!

David Jourquin from France has created two fragrances for bold and daring women. One fragrance has been created for the day and the other for the evening. Both fragrances are designed for women who love men's fragrances and who are also enthralled by the sparkling vitality of the “Roaring Twenties”.

Cuir Altesse - Soir pour Femme and Cuir de R'Eve - Jour pour Femme captivate with their unique and rebellious character.

For your Nose only – the fragrance collection from Atkinsons 1799

This is a complete collection of fragrances that I would like to introduce you to. Truly exceptional fragrances for the colorful figures of history and now also for you. And if you’re in the mood for something more intense, then you’re sure to get your money’s worth with both of Atkinsons’ Oud fragrances.

Atkinsons 1799 - Oud Collection - Oud Save The King

Atkinsons 1799 - Oud Collection - Oud Save The Queen


True to the poem by Eduard Mörike:
"Spring sets free her ribbon of blue to flutter through the skies again"
I wish you much joy on your journey of discovery
to "sweet, familiar fragrances"“

by #Aus Liebe zum Duft

Categoria: Narciso | Visualizações: 852 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Spring lets its blue ribbon, perfume, Atkinsons 1799, luxo | Ranking: 0.0/0
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