#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Abril » 22 » Spikes Asia Announces New Initiatives #spikesasia
Spikes Asia Announces New Initiatives #spikesasia

The Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity, the region’s foremost Festival and Awards for the creative communications industry, has officially opened for delegate registration.

This year sees a new format for the Festival as it grows from a 3-day to a 4-day event and moves to take place in the week following the Formula 1 Grand Prix, from 23-26 September in Singapore. Spikes Asia will encompass carefully curated seminars and forums, inspiring exhibitions of work, dedicated networking events and a celebratory Awards Ceremony which will bring the event to a close.

Two new entry categories are being introduced at Spikes Asia this year. The Innovation Category, which will award breakthrough technology and innovation, and a Healthcare Category which will honour the brave and innovative communications ideas that have overcome the unique challenges faced by healthcare brands, and succeeded – through creativity – in generating value and changing lives. Additions to the academy programme are also planned which will see increased learning opportunities across a broader spectrum of the industry.

Further details of all of the packages, along with how to register and be a part of the event, can be found on the Spikes Asia website.


by #Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity

Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 801 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: comunicação, Cannes Lions International Festival, àsia, publicidade, Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity, Relações Públicas | Ranking: 0.0/0
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
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