#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2011 » Stembro » 29 » Schön! 14 - Out Now
Schön! 14 - Out Now

Our latest offering is like a lucky dip of treats, each prize as lovely as the last. We’re opening our issue with a double cover with two emerging heavyweights of the fashion industry: Andrej Pejec with Allure, and Rick Genest with Undercover. Shot by Christos Karantzolas, Andrej Pejec, Jean Paul Gaultier’s choice pick, shows us the right way to approach the theme of androgyny, taking it from a totally new angle and raising it to new heights, where he simply drips glamour and style, clutch handbag and all!

The amazing and enigmatic Canadian based Rick Genest, otherwise known as Zombie Boy, shot to fame for his remarkable full body tattoos of a human skeleton and decomposing flesh, shows us the attitude and charisma that has kept him firmly in fashion’s good-books. Shot by Matthew Lyn, and styled by our very own fashion editor Kay Korsh, he even gives us a peek at his true face under his signature tattoos, giving Schön! a very privileged exclusive!

As you pass through the pages, you’ll join on us on our globe trekking adventure, where we pick up the very best of international creative talent along the way – as always! Hye Jung Lee and Lina Zhang continue the theme of Allure with a sharp and edgy twist, showing us a new side to ‘Asian Girls’, as captured by our fave of the moment, Christos Karantzolas. Think glamour, steeped in patent leather and statement shades, and you’ll have the picture! As we celebrate our recent print distribution to China we also speak with Hung Huang, hailed as the Chinese Oprah Winfrey, and gain an earnest insight into her truly inspiring upbringing in her home country, and impressive rise to fame as a woman in a largely patriarchal society. We also skip over to Spain with beautiful actress Ivana Baquero, who talks to us about how she went from her school uniform to the big screen in a heartbeat, displaying her new found prowess with lensman Sergi Pons.

Now have you ever wondered who gets to create the amazing super hero costumes, or the haunting creatures that feature in all of your favourite blockbusters? We talk to Christian Beckman of Quantum Creation FX who is responsible for many of the ‘marvel’-ous makeup effects and costumes that make cinema seem so very real. Then from bringing heroes and legends to life, we speak to a real life legend in photography, Oliviero Toscani, where we give to you the most candid interview of the iconic figure, which will certainly leave you with an impression of the well accomplished man.

Revelling in the gloriously vintage, Mary Pierce and Sebastien Mercier bring us straight back to the mid 20th century, rejoicing in the timeless class of a past era of fashion, shot by Anne Combaz and styled by the keen eye of Laurent Dombrowicz, who also works his magic in our gloriously dark ‘Better The Devil You Know’ feature. With his rugged beard and manly scowl, Mateus Verdelho is the epitome of masculinity in the aptly named ‘Draconic’, where Omar Macchiavelli captures the gentleman within from this fiercely handsome model. And there is so much more!

So join us in luxuriating in the international magnetism of this issue, and the thrill of uncovering the gems that we have in store. We will not disappoint!



Por onde começar com a nossa questão surpreendente 14? Nossa última oferta é como

um mergulho com sorte de guloseimas, cada um com prêmio tão lindo como a último. Estamos abrindo essa edição com uma capa dupla com dois pesos pesados ​​emergentes da indústria da moda: Andrej Pejec com Allure, e Rick Genest com Undercover. Baleado por Christos Karantzolas, Andrej Pejec, pick Jean Paul Gaultier na escolha, nos mostra a maneira correta de abordar o tema da androginia, levando-o a partir de um ângulo totalmente novo e elevando-a a novos patamares, onde ele simplesmente escorre com glamour e estilo!

O incrível e enigmático baseado canadense Rick Genest, também conhecido como Boy Zombie, ganhou fama por sua notáveis tatuagens no corpo inteiro de um esqueleto humano e carne em decomposição, nos mostra a atitude e carisma que o mantém firmemente na moda é bom-books. Baleado por Matthew Lyn, e concebido por nossa própria editora de moda Korsh Kay.

Passando as páginas, você vai se juntar a nós na nossa aventura global trekking, onde pegamos o melhor do talento criativo internacional ao longo do caminho - como sempre! Hye Jung Lee e Zhang Lina continuar o tema da Allure com uma torção aguda e nervosa, mostrando-nos um novo lado de "Meninas da Ásia", como capturado pelo nosso fave do momento, Karantzolas Christos. Pense glamour, mergulhada em couro e tons declaração, e você terá a imagem!

Schon Magazine


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