#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Agosto » 13 » #Scabal Autumn Winter 2014 2015
#Scabal Autumn Winter 2014 2015
By passing the baton of sartorial elegance from generation to generation, Scabal aims to provide continuity in terms of masculine refinement.

The collection combines respect for traditions with a resolutely contemporary approach. It emphasises quality and refined design in order to meet the requirements of a discerning customer base. Our new artistic director has worked to create models with lines that are both elegant and a pleasure to wear.

Imperial Trilogy: rarity and excellence

It is rare to find a luxury fabric that combines exceptional softness with high performance, but Scabal’s craftsmen have achieved this in majestic style with the creation of “Imperial Trilogy”.

Thanks to the combination of Super 230’s yarn with ultra-soft merino wool and Super 160’s merino wool containing guanaco, Scabal is able to present a fabric with an incomparable feel that will deliver great performance throughout the year.
Scabal and Jules Wabbes by Bulo in the shop window

With the new season comes the beginning of a collaboration between Scabal and the renowned furniture firm Bulo. Quality, expertise and heritage are just some of the characteristics and values that undoubtedly unite the two brands.

In the windows of our Scabal stores in Brussels and London, you can currently see some creations by the famous post-war Belgian designer “Jules Wabbes”.

Opening of a Scabal store in Geneva

Building on the success of the previous store, our trusted partner in Geneva recently moved into larger premises occupying 140 m² and enjoying higher visibility.

The new “flagship store” is located in Les Bergues, a pleasant area of the city on the right bank of the River Rhône, not far from the medieval monuments of the old city. The design of the space is now based on the official model for Scabal stores and is entirely in tune with the brand’s philosophy.

Scabal Autumn Winter 2014 2015

by #Scabal
Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 812 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Passing, sartorial, winter 2014-2015, elegance, autumn, stores, scabal, baton, Autumn Winter 2014 2015, available | Ranking: 0.0/0
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