#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Abril » 29 » Roja Parfums His amazing experience
Roja Parfums His amazing experience
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams is a quote from Roja Dove and exactly this quote touched me deeply and hit the mark. I share this exact same attitude with Roja and this self-same feeling inspired me to bring to life, almost 15 years ago my dream of First in Fragrance. Thanks to your continued support and your loyalty, we can in 2014 rightly claim to be the original.

A big thank you to all of you.

I am particularly proud to present to you today the fragrance collection from ROJA DOVE. He defines luxury and sophistication in a new and dramatic way for the perfume world of today.

He takes you into a world of uncompromising quality, of absolute luxury and pure sensuality. In the UK and around the world he is considered
one of the most innovative fragrance creators and is a highly respected perfumer. His amazing experience, passion and his unmistakable charisma are expressed in all his creations. They are each an example of extraordinary creativity and become a signature for those who wear them.

Roja Dove creates with much emotion, passion and love. Exquisite and precious ingredients are combined according to his credoThe best is just good enough“ to create imaginative, exciting and surprising perfumes. They are quite simply "The finest fragrances in the world".

Roja Dove personally devotes his love of detail to every aspect of his creations – from the fragrance to the packaging and presentation.
Roja fragrances are far from the normality of today’s “Here today, gone tomorrow” trend fragrances that are often quickly forgotten.
Roja Parfums are in accord with the great, complex and refined fragrances of master perfumers.

Roja Dove’s creations are not "loud" or intrusive, but rather "whisper" in a subtle way that captivate the soul and become a discrete part
of the wearer - with quality, luxury and sophistication. Originally Roja Pafums were only available at Harrods where they quickly advanced to being one of the most successful brands there.

Experience this unique fragrance collection now at First in Fragrance!

by #Aus Liebe zum Duft
Categoria: Narciso | Visualizações: 1019 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: parfum, perfume, beleza, luxo, Aus Liebe zum Duft, Roja Parfums | Ranking: 0.0/0
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