#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Maio » 13 » Ralph Lauren has been committed to the fight against breast cancer
Ralph Lauren has been committed to the fight against breast cancer
Digital News AgencyThe Royal Marsden, one of Princess Diana's favourite charities, is the largest and most comprehensive cancer centre in Europe, and the Ralph Lauren Corporation are proud to announce a new partnership to fund a state-of-the-art breast cancer research facility in Chelsea, London. 

In the late 1980s, Ralph Lauren was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour. Shortly after the removal of the tumour, he was moved to take action when his close friend Nina Hyde shared her breast cancer diagnosis with him.

Long recognised for his early leadership in the fight against breast cancer, Ralph Lauren, made a personal and corporate commitment to finding a cure for this disease.

As a tribute to his friendship with Nina Hyde, The Washington Post’s fashion editor for 18 years, Ralph Lauren co-founded the Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research at Georgetown University in 1989. "Breast Cancer is not just a women's issue," says Lauren. "It affects all of us – the husbands, fathers, brothers, children and friends of the women dealing with this dreaded disease."

The Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation was created for the purpose of providing support for philanthropic programs including education, healthcare in medically under-served communities, the arts and community-based initiatives. His family and company have supported historic preservation activities and numerous cancer research initiatives, including the Pink Pony campaign for breast cancer. In addition, Lauren founded the Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention in 2001 in Harlem, New York. 

On Tuesday 13th May 2014, Ralph Lauren will attend a gala dinner at Windsor Castle, hosted by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, to celebrate the work of The Royal Marsden.
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Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 639 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: celebrate, HRH The Duke, Windsor Castle, Ralph Lauren, Hosted, gala, The Royal Marsden, Cambridge, attend, dinner | Ranking: 0.0/0
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