#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Março » 28 » Progress in Trendboard
Progress in Trendboard

Progress in TrendboardFor our series of exclusive interviews, we are dedicated to the world of fashion retail with three contributions of Italian hugely successful reality: we started Monday with an interview with Andrea Panconesi, founder of the boutique Luisa Via Roma in Florence and the eponymous site web that records millions of hits per month from all over the world. Then the dialogue continued with Stefano Beraldo, for nine years at the helm of the Coin Group, which includes department stores and multi-brand OVS Excelsior in Milan, and finally Rosy Biffi, an institution in Milan and Bergamo with the boutiques that carry the his surname. Like all the other players we interviewed, answered questions recurrent. What would you like to see in the future of fashion, and fashion Italian? Progress in Trendboard. Using the images of the fashion shows of Milan Fashion Week FW 14/15 published on our website and on the Pinterest board , the students of Fashion Styling Istituto Marangoni in Milan have synthesized a series of graphics boards trends of the coming Fall / Winter. Finally we gave space to Guccimuseo.com, the website launched by Gucci to offer the opportunity to virtually visit - on desktops, tablets and smartphones - the museum of Florentine Italian fashion house set up in the Palace of Merchandise.

See you soon !


by #Camera Moda

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 603 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Luisa Via Roma, luxo, Itália, Camera Moda, milão | Ranking: 0.0/0
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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