#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Janeiro » 5 » #PittiBimbo _80 - Born under the sign of Accessories
#PittiBimbo _80 - Born under the sign of Accessories

With 444 collections expected, of which 166 from abroad, almost 7,200 buyers and a total of just under 10,000 visitors at the last winter edition, Pitti Bimbo confirms that it is the only trade fair in the world that presents a complete overview of the universe of children’s fashion on a global level as well as an extraordinary platform for presenting new lifestyle trends. And following a trend already experimented in previous seasons, at this edition more than ever, Pitti Bimbo is giving a boost to the world of research, devoting more and more space to the world of accessories, and the major role they play on the market: from the avant-garde collections of Apartment to the creativity of the independent brands in the New View and EcoEthic sections, to accessories and design objects for the littlest set. As always, all of this will be staged alongside the established quality and classical-elegant style of the big names at Pitti Bimbo, the sportswear of Sport Generation and the urban atmosphere of SuperStreet. All in a setting that welcomes visitors with a pleasant, entertaining atmosphere, guiding them in constantly new and original ways through the short circuits of fashion, art, sport and design.

Accessories that are functional, with their kaleidoscopic and playful combinations of form and material are more important than ever when it comes to defining stylish looks and character in children’s fashions. Season after season, original shoes, bags, umbrellas, small jewels, hats and scarves for kids have been “specially watched subjects” at Pitti Bimbo.

Pitti Bimbo - 22-24 January

Pitti Bimbo

Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 648 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: europa, Pitti Imagine, Itália, feira, Relações Públicas em Luxo, Marketing de Luxo, Pitti Bimbo | Ranking: 0.0/0
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
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