#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Maio » 8 » Pininfarina signs the modern design of the TSR train @pininfarina
Pininfarina signs the modern design of the TSR train @pininfarina
Pininfarina designs the Regional Service Train of AnsaldoBreda Pininfarina signs the modern design of the TSR train (Regional Service Train) which was object, in these days, of a contract worth about 100 million euros between AnsaldoBreda, a Finmeccanica’s subsidiary, and Ferrovie Nord public transport company for the construction of seven trains.Pininfarina signs the modern design of the TSR train (Regional Service Train) which was object, in these days, of a contract worth about 100 million euros between AnsaldoBreda, a Finmeccanica’s subsidiary, and Ferrovie Nord public transport company for the construction of seven trains.
TSR trains have long made up the backbone of Lombardy’s public transport system. It is a double-decker train for high-capacity suburban and regional lines, with a body structure consisting of scalable train sets of 3, 4, 5 and 6 cars. The TSR also guarantees the same performance for all possible train formations and has a high accelerating power which maximizes performance on lines with frequent stops, optimizing regional and suburban transit times. In the design phase the intervention of Pininfarina was focused on the volume of the cylinder head and the interior design.

Pininfarina has extensive experience in the rail industry, having designed the interiors and exteriors of Italy’s high-speed trains (ETR X 500), rolling stocks for Swiss, Danish and Norwegian Railways, automated light rail cars in Lille, northern France, and trams for cities in Italy, Greece, Sweden and Turkey. Pininfarina is also cooperating with Eurostar International Limited, the high-speed passenger train operator between the UK and mainland Europe: Pininfarina will be responsible for the design of the interiors and external livery of both the new Eurostar e320 and the upgraded existing Eurostar fleet.
For more information on Pininfarina: www.pininfarina.com
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Categoria: #Luxo | Visualizações: 647 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Signs, pininfarina, Regional Service Train, luxo, TSR train (Regional Service Train), design, designs, AnsaldoBreda, Modern | Ranking: 0.0/0
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