#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Agosto » 24 » Penhaligon's the essence of London Fashion Week 2013
Penhaligon's the essence of London Fashion Week 2013
Penhaligon’s is delighted to become the Official  Scent of London  Fashion Week. The British
perfume house will become an official supplier of the international high profile event for the
first time, scenting Somerset House and the surrounding show tents  with the invigorating scent
of Quercus.

Quercus  declares  itself  with  a  light  burst  of  citrus  and  basil,  supported  by  a  heart  accord  of
jasmine, cardamom and muguet that is sweet spiced and supremely delicate. The greenness of
the  basil  persists  into  the  surprisingly  resilient  musk  and  sandalwood  base  notes.  These  are
warmed through with moss and patchouli to create an elegant and uplifting scent.

Founded  in  1870,  yet  with  a  contemporary  outlook,  Penhaligon's  fundamental  British
eccentricity  is  perfectly  manifested  in  the  collaboration  with  London  Fashion  Week.
Perfumery and fashion share a passion for craftsmanship and creativity – a natural fit.

Jenico Preston, Head of Sponsorship at British Fashion Council says of the collaboration: ‘One
of Britain’s most distinguished scent emporiums, Penhaligon’s really is a unique and exciting
addition  to  this  season’s  roster.  The  synergy  between  this  quintessentially  English  brand  and
London Fashion Week is perfect, combining a culturally rich history, luxury and innovation.’

Penhaligon’s is delighted to become The Official Scent of London Fashion Week 2013!

by Penhaligon’s
Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 705 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: parfum, luxury, Event, Penhaligon´s, scent, London Fashion Week 2013, official | Ranking: 0.0/0
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
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