#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Abril » 8 » Patron of Art Edition Luciano Pavarotti by @montblanc_world
Patron of Art Edition Luciano Pavarotti by @montblanc_world

Patron of Art Edition Luciano Pavarotti In honor of the greatest tenor of all time
Pavarotti’s masterful singing artistry put him on the big stages of the most prominent opera houses in the world. There, he enchanted his public with performances such as the aria “Nessun dorma” in Puccini’s opera “Turandot”, which took him to the zenith of his success and became the highlight of many of his concerts. He also sang the aria at his performance in New York’s Central Park in 1993 in front of an audience of 500,000 – the highest number of visitors of all time for a classical concert. As in most of his stage appearances, Pavarotti wore a black tuxedo with a white shirt and white bow-tie which served as the inspiration for the Limited Edition in black and white lacquer.

After his performances, Pavarotti would often wear a large and extravagant scarf. This eye-catching trademark of Pavarotti’s is reflected in the gold-plated clip which is wrapped casually around the cap, with the Montblanc emblem in white precious resin.

In homage to the five famous operas which brought Pavarotti international fame – “Turandot”, “La Bohème”, “Rigoletto”, “Un ballo in maschera” and “L’elisir d’amore” – five gold-plated rings decorate the cap of the Luciano Pavarotti Limited Edition 4810. They also symbolise the five impressive tiers at the opera house “Teatro Comunale Luciano Pavarotti” in his home town of Modena in Italy, which was named after him in honour of the great tenor. The magnificent ornaments that adorn the tiers of the “Teatro” are eternalised as exquisite engravings on the cap ring.

As with every concert Pavarotti would look for a bent nail backstage before performing alongside his fellow celebrities from the world of music. It served him as a good-luck charm for his performances and he would not go on stage without this ritual which is common among opera singers. As a reminder of the unusual talismans Pavarotti carried in his pocket at all times during his performances, the 750 solid gold nib of the Limited Edition is decorated with a delicate engraving of a bent nail.

At the beginning of his career, Luciano Pavarotti often wore a suit and tie when he wasn’t under the spotlights. Over the years he developed his own extraordinary style visually setting him off against all other classical artists. He was greatly enthusiastic about wearing exquisite scarves, white hats and brightly-coloured shirts with Hawaiian flower patterns. Pavarotti’s incomparable style quickly became his trademark and is reflected in the design of the Limited Edition by a cone in red lacquer adorned with delicate flower patterns. Together with the turquoise cabochon, these flower patterns are reminiscent of the colourful Hawaiian shirts Pavarotti typically wore, providing the finishing touch to this Limited Edition in honour of Luciano Pavarotti.

Luciano Pavarotti


Categoria: #Luxo | Visualizações: 8305 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: art, all time, tenor, Honor, Greatest, montblanc, Edition, Patron, Luciano Pavarotti | Ranking: 0.0/0
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