#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Stembro » 16 » Paris Match: Henri Samuel and the Artists He Commissioned
Paris Match: Henri Samuel and the Artists He Commissioned
Demisch Danant will present Paris Match: Henri Samuel and the Artists He Commissioned, 1968-1977, an exhibition exploring the legendary decorator and international tastemaker’s unique engagement with French fine artists through the furniture and functional objects he commissioned in the 1970s from such figures as César, Francois Arnal, Guy de Rougemont, and Philippe Hiquily. Acclaimed as one of the first experts in mixing design genres and periods, Samuel was also one of the first to invite contemporary artists to making furnishings. His remarkable talent for unexpected juxtapositions became the keystone of “the Samuel style” and his eclectic sophistication challenged the prevailing bourgeois notion of “matching” interiors.

On view through January 31, 2015, Paris Match will present rare furnishings by these artists, most never before exhibited publicly. The exhibition is the latest in an ongoing series in which Demisch Danant is examining and exalting pathbreaking French design of the 20th century.

Philippe Hiquily is represented in the exhibition by a low table in steel (c. 1970) that was part of a group of metal furniture pieces Henri Samuel used in his clients’ interiors and his own home. Also on view will be Guy de Rougemont’s iconic Table Nuage (Cloud Table), commissioned by Samuel in 1971 and produced as a small edition with variations in Plexiglas and metal. The Table Nuage was the centerpiece of the living room in Samuel’s Paris apartment.

The artists presented in Paris Match did not limit their explorations into furniture exclusively to collaborations with Henri Samuel. However, their significant contributions to design history are inextricably linked to Samuel’s visionary patronage and daring taste. In juxtaposition with the exceptional historical pieces, antiques, and peerless color palettes of Samuel’s legendary Parisian hotel particulier in rue Faubourg Saint-Honoré, these unusual objects came to exemplify the height of French style of the 1970s.

Paris Match: Henri Samuel and the Artists He Commissioned, 1968-1977 #Andrea Schwan Inc

Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 570 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: exhibition, Furniture, tribute, Demisch Danant, TASTEMAKER, french, Objects, HENRI SAMUEL, Legendary, pays | Ranking: 0.0/0
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