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Oh My Taste

From Saturday 7 to Monday 9th March 2015, at the Stazione Leopolda, Pitti Immagine will present the tenth edition of TASTE, the fair dedicated to excellence in taste, Italian lifestyle and table design, result of the collaboration between Pitti Immagine and the gastronaut Davide Paolini. And the next edition will be even more special: in the year of the Expo, at a time when the world’s spotlight will be on diet and quality food, TASTE will be celebrating its first 10 years and the journey that has led it to become the Italian salon for quality food and drink, the place where - surrounded by food, wine, objects and ideas - members of the top international high-end food and restaurant industries as well as an  increasingly wide public of food enthusiasts, gather together. A journey of senses and ideas, mixture of tradition and innovation, trends and schools of thought, food & kitchen design. Including a special area, the Taste Shop, where it is possible to buy the products displayed. 

Anticipazioni su Taste n.10Anticipazioni su Taste n.10Taste seen through a special photo-project curated by Claudio Bonoldi: "Oh my TASTE" - this is the title of the project -  presents the main protagonists of Taste ... its exhibitors!
A series of creative composition of people, products and specialties of Taste n.9, will guide you through an imaginary journey into the land of taste and good food... Anticipazioni su Taste n.10
Pitti Taste wishes you a Happy New Year with the (G)ASTRONOMIC horoscope!


To celebrate the new year together, one of the most popular young chefs on the Italian and international scene, Roberto Valbuzzi has created a special book for Taste with recipes matched to the signs of the zodiac. Having already explored projects that match the table, fashion and food, the chef now dedicates an unusual combination to Taste: The gastronomic horoscope. A gourmand guide to the stars that suggests tasty dishes with ingredients produced by a selection of exhibitors at Taste.

#Pitti Immagine
Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 721 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Fair, Pitti Immagine, taste, Stazione Leopolda, Anticipazioni su Taste n.10, Excellence, Edition, dedicated, present, Pitti Bimbo | Ranking: 0.0/0
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