#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Novembro » 3 » ntroducing Legend of the Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Goat
ntroducing Legend of the Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Goat

http://www.thehourlounge.com/sites/default/files/86073-000r-9889_86073-000p-9890_720634.jpgHere is the latest offering in the Chinese Zodiac models, a limited edition piece of 12 platinum and 12 pink gold pieces. The dials feature a hand engraved goat motif on an enamel background.

The leaf motif appearing on the dial and stemming from classic Chinese iconography, is etched directly in the metal. The pattern remains semi-embedded and stands out from its gold base by a subtle stage-setting of variously accentuated reliefs creating a depth effect. The raised honeysuckle flowers appear to be floating over the dial.

With the goat engraving, on which the details of the fleece measure a mere fraction of a millimetre, the artisan provides a tangible expression of the artistic vision behind this creation.

Then comes the stage of Grand Feu enamelling, a technique invented in Geneva and which remains the exclusive preserve of a rare breed of artisans. By applying the enamel in successive layers, the enamel specialist further enhances the visual intensity of the blue or bronze-toned dial. The necessity of maintaining tight control of the colour and the reactions to the firing process that takes place in a kiln at around 800 to 900°C, calls for a specific way of reasoning that takes years to acquire. A final layer of enamel is then applied before a final firing operation that vitrifies the dial and lends a shiny glazed effect that gives added definition to the floral motif.

The goat is delicately applied to the centre of the dial, exuding a sense of calm and serenity through the sapphire crystal.

These pieces house Calibre 2460 G4.


Categoria: #Desejos | Visualizações: 785 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: models, pink, Limited, Chinese Zodiac, Feature, gold, pieces, Edition, dials, Platinum | Ranking: 0.0/0
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