#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Agosto » 27 » Nordstrom To Expand TOPSHOP And TOPMAN Partnership
Nordstrom To Expand TOPSHOP And TOPMAN Partnership
Plans were announced today to expand Nordstrom's partnership with TOPSHOP and TOPMAN by adding 28 TOPSHOP
departments and 8 TOPMAN departments across the country starting in late September 2013. The expansion will bring the total number of Nordstrom stores with TOPSHOP and TOPMAN to 42 and 18 respectively. In addition, Nordstrom plans a completely refreshed design for TOPSHOP and TOPMAN departments in new and existing stores.

Nordstrom is the only large U.S. retailer to sell a broad assortment of the British fashion brands' merchandise in-store and online at
nordstrom.com. TOPSHOP and TOPMAN have flagship stores in New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles, and their own U.S. designated websites at TOPSHOP.com and TOPMAN.com.

TOPSHOP and TOPMAN merchandise will be available in key markets such as Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis, San Diego, Washington, D.C., Southern and Northern California, South Florida, as well as new downtown locations in Chicago and Seattle. Since launching its core offering in September 2012, Nordstrom has added TOPSHOP shoes and Make-Up in select stores and continues to expand the TOPMAN suiting offer which will be in over 30 additional stores by November. As part of the expansion, Nordstrom and TOPSHOP TOPMAN will partner on a national campaign, with details to be released soon.

by Nordstrom
Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 719 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: partnership, Topman, TopShop, Expand, Nordstrom | Ranking: 5.0/1
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