#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Março » 31 » New Masters of Creativity Programme at #CannesLions
New Masters of Creativity Programme at #CannesLions
Cannes Lions has launched a new training programme that will help talent working in the creative communications industry make the transition into senior management. Masters of Creativity will offer a five day professional qualification and will be led by eight world-class ‘masters’ including David Droga, PJ Pereria and Mark Tutssel.


Delegates enrolled on the programme will work on a real brief from Mondelēz International to reinvigorate their Bubblicious gum brand. “The Bubblicious brand is a sleeping giant,” said Stephanie Wilkes, President Global Gum and Candy at Mondelēz International. “Partnering with the Lions Masters of Creativity programme is an opportunity for us to work with a new generation of creative thinkers and brand activation experts to identify untapped opportunities and potentially help increase the brand’s market share in key territories.”

Each team will work throughout the week on a strategy to revive the brand before pitching to the jury, which will be chaired by Keith Reinhard, Chairman Emeritus, DDB Worldwide and include senior marketing officials from Mondelēz International.

Commenting on the new programme Keith Reinhard, Chairman, Lions Masters of Creativity said, “Why am I so excited about the new Lions Masters of Creativity programme? Well, at the hands of an all-star faculty - we have some of the industry’s most prominent figures representing all the key disciplines - participants will get a chance to hone their skills at strategic and media planning and multi-platform creative execution. They’ll learn how to sell a great idea and how to measure its effectiveness. And all the while, they’ll be working on a real live client brief to bring new life to a brand that’s lost its salience. I can’t wait to see the results!”

The Lions Masters of Creativity programme is tailor made to give every delegate a deep understanding of all areas of creative communications. The programme will be presented in eight modules, each lasting two hours. Each module is presented by a ‘master’, a truly outstanding industry expert who will draw on their knowledge, experience and insights. The outcome will be exclusive world-class learning.

Confirmed Masters include:

Content: PJ Pereira, Chief Creative Officer, Pereira & O'Dell
Creativity: Mark Tutssel, Global Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Worldwide
Creative Effectiveness: Merry Baskin, Partner, Baskin Shark Ltd
Creative Effectiveness: Gurdeep Puri, Co-Founder, The Effectiveness Partnership
Data Master: David Shing, Digital Prophet, AOL
Innovation: David Droga, Creative Chairman, Droga5
Media: Barry Cupples, Global CEO, Investment, Omnicom Media Group
Strategic Leadership: Lucy Jameson, CEO, Grey London

The winners will be celebrated and honoured onstage during the Cannes Lions Awards Ceremony on Saturday 21 June. Anybody enrolled on the programme will also receive full 7-day access to Cannes Lions as part of their package.

The programme is open to everyone who works within marketing communications. There are no age or discipline restrictions and applications are welcome from all industries/sectors. For more information on how to enrol on the programme, please contact Steve Latham, Head of Talent & Training, at stevelatham@canneslions.com or see the website, www.canneslions.com.

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Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 701 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: launches, CANNES LIONS, Announced, Programme, Client, Bubblicious, Mondelēz International, Masters of Creativity, Relações Públicas | Ranking: 0.0/0
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