#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Maio » 10 » Montegrappa in your birthday 60 years Made in Italy
Montegrappa in your birthday 60 years Made in Italy

Italy has become the cradle of design thanks to its designers who influence fashion, style and the haute couture world. To celebrate the 60 years of history of design, a movement "60 years of Made in Italy” was born, seeing the participation of the most important Italian brands in the business. Of course, Montegrappa, which is more than 100 years old, is honoured to be part of this exclusive selection of Italian brands that have made history with their extraordinary designs and new perspectives.

This special celebration started on March 14th with the opening of the exhibition "60 anni di made in Italy”. Fashion and design will be on show in the Franz Mayer Museum until June 9th. The ceremony was led by the Italian ambassador in Mexico, his Excellency Mr. Roberto Spinelli, the Franz Mayer Museum's director, Mr. Hector Rivero Borrel, the Italian Institute of culture with the support of the Italian Trade Promotion Agency and the Italian Chamber of Commerce.

Montegrappa, which is the leading Italian writing implements manufacturer in the world, has a special place in the exhibition where some of the most characteristic models can be appreciated such as those of the Mexico Collection, Virgin of Guadalupe and Palacio de Bellas Artes (Fine Arts Palace). The Montegrappa exhibition also includes the Città d’Arte Venezia Pen, the Gentleman Fountain Pen, and the Alfa Romeo editions. Without forgetting men’s accessories, we can find the NeroUno collection of watches and cufflinks, which encapsulates the most typical features of Italian style.

Definitely, this will be a place of true revealing where you can appreciate unique designs originated by many years of history, and created by the brightest minds of Italian style and design.


by Montegrappa

Categoria: #Desejos | Visualizações: 799 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: art, luxury, Mexico Collection, Montegrappa, pen, Virgin of Guadalupe, Palacio de Bellas Artes, (Fine Arts Palace) | Ranking: 5.0/1
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