#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Junho » 19 » @MoMA Announces Björk Exhibition in 2015
@MoMA Announces Björk Exhibition in 2015
@MoMA Announces Björk Exhibition in 2015  The Museum of Modern Art announces that it will present a full-scale retrospective dedicated to the multifaceted work of the composer, musician, and artist Björk in 2015. Organized by Klaus Biesenbach, Chief Curator at Large at MoMA and Director of MoMA PS1, the exhibition Björk draws from more than 20 years of the artist’s daring and adventurous projects and her seven full-length albums—from Debut (1993) to Biophilia (2011)—to chronicle her career through sound, film, visuals, instruments, objects, costumes, and performance. The installation will present a narrative, both biographical and imaginatively fictitious, cowritten by Björk and the acclaimed Icelandic writer Sjón Sigurdsson. Björk’s collaborations with video directors, photographers, fashion designers, and artists will be featured, and the exhibition culminates with a newly commissioned, immersive music and film experience conceived and realized with director Andrew Huang and 3-D design leader Autodesk. Björk will be on view from March 7 through June 7, 2015; MoMA is the sole venue.

The exhibition is made possible by a partnership with Volkswagen of America.

Major support is provided by MoMA’s Wallis Annenberg Fund for Innovation in Contemporary Art through the Annenberg Foundation.

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The Museum of Modern Art

Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 589 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: exhibition, The Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, Björk, 2015, Announces | Ranking: 0.0/0
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