#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Julho » 19 » ITS Accessories winner by Modamont
ITS Accessories winner by Modamont
Modamont is supporter of the main prize in the accessories category of the ITS 2013 contest which has been held on July 13th at Trieste, Italy. 10 finalists have had
the privilege to show their work to a prestigious jury: Barbara Franchin – ITS Director & Project Supervisor, Elisabetta Barracchia – Vogue Accessori / Vogue Gioiello, Isabella Zegrini - Christian Dior Haute Couture Accessories, Antonella Bertagnin – Coordinator of the Trend Selection Fashion Committee – LineaPelle, Yasuhiro Mihara - Footwear Designer for Puma, Kei Kagami – Designer & Consultant YKK, Marco Grandi – Sales Manager of YKK Italia, Sara De Tullio – Head of Trend & Design dept. of Alcantara, Valentina Maggi – Director of Design Practice at Floriane de Saint Pierre et Associés, Ana Rajcevic – winner of Accessories Collection of the Year of ITS 2012.
It’s leonard kahlcke, German designer and student of the London College of Fashion, who has won the Accessories Collection of the Year prize for his men’s shoes collection.
The design approach developed by Leonard faces two major questions. First, if it was possible to make a contribution to the traditional canon of men’s shoe design. Secondly, if his products were able to draw a new aesthetic code relevant to contemporary fashion, by pairing high-end traditional shoe making with a fashion conscious design, including the ambitious aim of a high standard of wearability and fit. The collection works with and against the categorized elements of traditional shoe design, manipulating the generic expectations of its audience through subtle but decisive alterations.
This is the 4th time Modamont is supporter of ITS, which stands for International Talent Support. The mission is stated in the name: to give visibility, support and a voice to young talent from every corner of the earth and offer the chance to liberate creativity through financial opportunities, work placements and occasions to have their work shown to a jury made up of real experts from different sectors. It is in this same desire to encourage the creation and the young talents that Modamont joins this international contest.

Leonard kahlcke is the winner of the ITS 2013 accessories collection of the Year prize.

by Modamont

Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 773 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: art, luxury, ModAmont, Première Vision, fashion | Ranking: 5.0/1
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