#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Novembro » 24 » Message from Antwerp World Diamond Centre
Message from Antwerp World Diamond Centre
Visiting diamond buyers will feast their eyes on a fantastic collection of diamonds that will be displayed by some 90 Antwerp-based firms, spread over the trading halls of the three participating diamond bourses. The ADTF is the world's ONLY by-invitation-show that features loose diamonds only. It is held in the heart of Antwerp's diamond quarter.

Message from Antwerp World Diamond Centre:
"Antwerp is the world's leading diamond trading centre in the world." I often get to make that statement, addressing various audiences, in my role as CEO of the Antwerp World Diamond Centre. While this statement is a simple truth, it cannot be said too often. Throughout the world, my colleagues and I continue to meet members of the jewellery trade who may have done business with Antwerp-based diamond firms, but have not yet visited Antwerp itself, and therefore have not had a chance to truly experience the power house our diamond centre constitutes. With the establishment of the Antwerp Diamond Trade Fair in 2010, we took another step to lower the threshold.

TTF is a luxury company in the sector of fine jewellery. Thecompany designs, manufactures, distributes and sells jewellery. "I travel all over the world to source the best precious stones. The Antwerp Diamond Trade Fair is a privileged place for the industry where you can not only network with leading Antwerp diamond suppliers but also be updated. The fair offers a large selection of diamonds of all sizes. TTF buys diamonds very regulary in Antwerp!."

Artist jeweller Wallace Chan communicates a love of gemstones, and works tenderly with precious materials, making the most of light and colours, to create remarkable sculptural pieces much sought after by wealthy collectors. "If you know how to appreciate it, there is beauty in every gemstone," Chan, one of the great names in contemporary jewellery design, said in a recent interview. "When I carve, when I work on a gemstone, I am very tender," he said. "When I see a gem, if I feel for it, I try to communicate it through light and colours."

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 552 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Publicidade e Propaganda, luxo, joias, ANTWERP DIAMOND FAIR 2015, Relações Públicas em Luxo, Marketing de Luxo | Ranking: 0.0/0
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