#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Abril » 11 » Letter from London | April 2014 by Caroline Rush #BFC #luxo
Letter from London | April 2014 by Caroline Rush #BFC #luxo

NEWGEN_MEN_APRIL_2014_1.gifThe ten brightest names in menswear have just been announced - if you’re not yet familiar with their work take a look. These are the tastemakers of the future; the designers whose work who will start global trends and this June all ten of them will unveil their SS15 collections at London Collections: Men.
Agi & Sam, Alex Mullins, Astrid Andersen, Common, Craig Green, Diego Vanassibara, Kit Neale, Lee Roach, Matthew Miller and Nasir Mazhar make up this wave of rising stars that are part of NEWGEN MEN, a support initiative that was established in 2009 and is sponsored by TOPMAN.
One month ago, industry experts including Catherine Hayward, Esquire UK; Damien Paul, MATCHESFASHION.COM; Darren Skey, Harvey Nichols; Gordon Richardson, TOPMAN; Imogen Fox, The Guardian; Jason Griffiths, TOPMAN; Robert Johnston, GQ; Sam Lobban, MR PORTER, and Caroline Rush, Anna Orsini, Barbara Grispini, David Watts, Laura Hinson and Narmin Mohammadi from the British Fashion Council gathered here at Somerset House to meticulously trawl through hundreds of portfolios, look books and samples to decipher who the next generation of designers are that will receive the financial support, international exposure and business mentoring to take them to the next level. The quality of submissions made the decision process challenging but in the end, the results were unanimous.
This April we are asking you to get behind them, show your support and be proud of the UK’s outstanding design talent.

by #British Fashion Council and

Photo Credit: @_AlexMullins, @Craig_Green_UK, @COMMON_SWDN, @AstridAndersens, @nasirmazharldn, @Vanassibara, @agiandsam, Lee Roach, @KitNeale & @Studio_M_Miller

Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 604 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Damien Paul, Catherine Hayward, MATCHESFASHION.COM Darren Skey, luxo, top, Harvey Nichols Gordon Richardson, Esquire UK, London, British Fashion Council | Ranking: 0.0/0
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