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Les Parfums d'Isabelle
Em novembro de 2006, Isabelle Gelle transformou sua paixão por perfumes no negócio, com o lançamento de Les Parfums d'Isabelle, uma empresa de perfumes de alta costura. Isabelle faz a maioria dos perfumes, utilizando antigos métodos da perfumaria francesa. Os perfumes muito concentrados são feitos de essências totalmente natural. Isabelle diz: "Embora muitas pessoas querem cheirar belas e originais, eles não podem ou não querem usar produtos químicos sintéticos em sua pele."

Isabelle Gellé UK based French creative perfumer, aromachology and wellness consultant. She actively contributes to the redefinition of the standards in the natural beauty industry. Member of the Natural Perfumers Guild USA, qualified aromatherapist, qualified Indian head massage therapist, she is also an associate lecturer at the University of the Arts in London and regularly runs workshops all over the UK to introduce people to perfumery and the sense of smell.

Through her company Les Parfums d'Isabelle, Isabelle designs natural perfumes and personal care products on behalf of private and corporate individuals involved in the development of organic and natural skincare and seeking to recreate the scents of Nature according to the traditions while respecting the safety standards that have evolved over the centuries. The company also provides A-Z consultancy services related to  aromas and scents and is a member of the Personal Care Group at Yorkshire Forward Agency.


Isabelle is a native of the Indian ocean islands which makes her naturally enclined to know a lot about tropical scents. She started her career in West Africa as a country manager, buying and selling spices, Arabic  gum and green tea. She lived and worked in many foreign countries and her travels led her to develop her creativity for all what Nature has got to offer as well as for everything beautiful and uncompromised luxury. She started to create perfumes at the early age of 10, using gardenia flowers and other tropical plants macerating in coconut oil and scenting beeswax candles. Her extensive knowledge of the spices and aromas business in Africa, allowed her to get acquainted to the unlimited scents of Nature.



photo and published by Isabelle Gellé
Categoria: #Luxo | Visualizações: 861 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Les Parfums d'Isabelle | Ranking: 5.0/1
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