#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Junho » 13 » Lady in the Dark #MoMA
Lady in the Dark #MoMA
MoMA Film News: Lady in the Dark: Crime Films from Columbia Pictures, 1932-57Crime films were a staple at Columbia Pictures during the studio’s first decades as a budget-conscious, high-volume producer of mass entertainment. This exhibition traces the evolution of the genre at Columbia, from the atmospheric whodunits that dominated the early 1930s (By Whose Hand?, The Ninth Guest) through the moody, despairing films noirs of the 1940s and 1950s. The series includes both celebrated, A-level productions like Gilda (1946) and The Lady from Shanghai (1948)—both centered on Columbia’s biggest star, Rita Hayworth—and outstanding examples of the B-pictures that were the studio’s real specialty, among them rediscoveries like Blind Spot (1947) and Chinatown at Midnight (1950). A selection of episodes from the haunting Whistler series, each starring Richard Dix as a different figure marked by fate, offers a taste of the many lower-budget franchises that kept the studio’s lot humming. 

Organized by Dave Kehr, Adjunct Curator, and Joshua Siegel, Curator, Department of Film.

Special thanks to Grover Crisp, Executive Vice President of Asset Management, Film Restoration and Digital Mastering at Sony Pictures; Rita Belda, Executive Director, Asset Management, Sony Pictures; and Christopher Lane, Worldwide Repertory Sales Manager, Sony Pictures Releasing. All prints and DCPs courtesy Sony Pictures Entertainment. 

by #The Museum of Modern Art

Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 701 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Christopher Lane, Executive Director, Worldwide Repertory Sales Manager, Rita Belda, The Museum of Modern Art, Sony Pictures, Asset Management | Ranking: 0.0/0
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