The exhibition "Maurice RenomaA+A= 3" reveals an eclecticcreativity,unclassifiable andinsatiablepersonalityasconstantly seekingrenewals.
This is the firstmajor retrospective of thephotographic work ofMauriceRenomainFrance, followingthe publicationof a monographpublished byLaMartinière.
His photographytakes flightin the earlyninetyyears,takes manyfacets: the practice ofblack and white,through whichalready evidenttaste forexperimentationgives wayto multipleinventionsin termsvisual thatwill be servedby digital technology.
If it starts withphotographingsome of his creationsin the fieldof fashion,heescapes fromgraduallytounleashits most diverseinspirations, workingoverhis meetingsand travels.
A freedom thatis due to aself-trainingand progressionon the sidelinesof the currents thatdominate the worldof art.
Thecurator of theexhibitionwas given toGabrielBauret.Youwill find enclosedthe press releaseof the exhibition.