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James Turrell Opens at the Guggenheim Museum in June
From June 21 to September 25, 2013, the Guggenheim Museum presents James Turrell, the eminent American artist’s first solo exhibition in a New York museum since 1980. The exhibition features a major new site-specific work, Aten Reign (2013), which represents one of the most dramatic transformations of the museum ever conceived—reimagining the rotunda of Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic building as one of Turrell’s luminous and immersive Skyspaces. Opening on the summer solstice, the installation will fill the museum’s central void with shifting natural and artificial light and intense, modulating color, creating a dynamic perceptual experience that exposes the materiality of light. Including select early works in addition to the monumental new installation, James Turrell considers the dominant themes explored by the artist for nearly fifty years, focusing on his investigations of perception, light, color, and space and the critical role of site-specificity in his practice.
James Turrell is one of three concurrent, independently curated presentations of the artist’s work in summer 2013. Together, the exhibitions at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art celebrate Turrell's groundbreaking career and form a three-part retrospective across the country.
James Turrell is curated by Carmen Giménez, Stephen and Nan Swid Curator of Twentieth-Century Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and Nat Trotman, Associate Curator, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
James Turrell is organized by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
The Leadership Committee for James Turrell is gratefully acknowledged for its support, including Lisa and Richard Baker, Pace Gallery, Almine Rech Gallery, Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, and those who wish to remain anonymous.

Public Programs
The Elaine Terner Cooper Education Fund: Conversations with Contemporary Artists:
James Turrell with Michael Govan
Friday, June 21, 2 pm
James Turrell joins Michael Govan, co-curator of James Turrell: A Retrospective and Director, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, in conversation about the different aspects of the artist’s singular oeuvre on view in three concurrent exhibitions this summer in Houston, Los Angeles, and New York.

John Zorn: Sacred Voices
Sunday and Tuesday, June 23 and 25, 7:30 pm
The maverick American composer and new-music pioneer John Zorn will premiere EARTHSPIRIT and MADRIGALS, two new works for female voices, inside James Turrell’s site-specific installation Aten Reign (2013). George Steel, General Manager and Artistic Director, New York City Opera, will moderate a discussion with Zorn.

Google Art Talk: Turrell Trifecta
Tuesday, July 9, 3 pm
As part of the Google Art Project’s new series of art talks, curators from the three concurrent James Turrell exhibitions on view this summer will be responding to crowd-sourced questions about the artist. The online discussion features Nat Trotman, Associate Curator, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; Alison de Lima Greene, Curator of Contemporary Art and Special Projects, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; and Christine Y. Kim, Associate Curator of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Viewers can access the talk via Hangouts on Air on the Google Art Project’s Google+ page, https://plus.google.com/+GoogleArtProject/posts, and may submit discussion questions via the Guggenheim’s social media channels.

Sky Light: Dr. E. C. Krupp
Wednesday, July 17, 6:30 pm
Although the sky is half of the environment and light is what activates sight, both are taken for granted today. However, from prehistoric Ireland’s Newgrange to Egypt’s Abu Simbel to Mexico’s Chichén Itza, ancient civilizations have engaged the sky and manipulated its light. The monumental and theatrical works of James Turrell also anchor audiences with celestial light, but with different motivation. Astronomer E. C. Krupp, Director, Griffith Observatory, explores parallels with antiquity and engagements with perception in Turrell’s installations, particularly Roden Crater and Agua de Luz (2012) at Cenote Santa Maria in Mérida, Mexico. Reception immediately follows.  

James Turrell: Sensing Space
Friday, September 20, 3:30 pm
In this half-day symposium, scholars present on topics that cover the range of James Turrell’s work, including the nature of perception, conditions of site-specificity, and the philosophy of aesthetics. Speakers include Thomas Crow, Provostial Fellow and Rosalie Solow Professor of Modern Art, Institute of Fine Arts at New York University; Miwon Kwon, Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of Art History; and Mark Taylor, Professor and Chair, Columbia University Department of Religion.

Exhibition:                  James Turrell
Venue:                       Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
                                  1071 Fifth Avenue, New York
Location:                    Rotunda floor; Annex Levels 2 and 5; High Gallery
Dates:                        June 21–September 25, 2013
Press Preview:           Thursday, June 20, 10 am–1 pm

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 731 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: James Turrell, art, luxury, Guggenheim Museum, june, Museum | Ranking: 5.0/1
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