#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Agosto » 14 » It is the night of the stars in Porto Cervo
It is the night of the stars in Porto Cervo

Fawaz Gruosi sure knows how to throw the best parties. He also knows that the more you praise and celebrate life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Once again, he showed this in the occasion of his birthday, at an extravagant bash that attracted a crowd of models, actors and the international social elite. Keeping the festivities going and spirits high, Fawaz Gruosi played host at the soiree.

The party was held on August 8th in Sardinia’s Costa Esmeralda at the Billionaire Club in Porto Cervo, a three-floor Villa, overlooking its superb coastline whose waters shaded to brilliant turquoise. In the magical setting of this ultra exclusive club, decorated for the occasion in red, silver and white around the theme “Irresistible Troublemaker”, industry insiders, stars and close friends all came together to celebrate the man known as the “jeweler to the stars”.

The most exclusive party of Costa Smeralda continued on the dancefloor of Billionaire on the notes of the Goldsingers, until dawn. See you all again next year!

It is the night of the stars in Porto Cervo
by #de grisogono

Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 638 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: stars, It is the night, Fawaz Gruosi.Antonio Banderas, Dita Von Teese, Glen Powell, Kellan Lutz, Porto Cervo, wesley snipes, de grisogono | Ranking: 0.0/0
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