#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Abril » 16 » Indigo New York the Empire of Fashion
Indigo New York the Empire of Fashion

Indigo New York & Première Vision New York On April 8 and 9, 2014, Indigo New York held their Summer ‘15 textile and surface design show. A total of 94 exhibitors from around the world, including 12 new studios, brought their vibrant collections to New York City’s Metropolitan Pavilion. These studios represent the highest number of exhibitors at an April edition of Indigo. The show’s offer has been expanded to include more studios from the home furnishing market.

Show attendance increased 13% over last April, with a total 1,298 registered visits. Attendees spoke of both the quality of the designs and the breadth among the studios. Designer Heather Lawton was inspired by the show’s varied offer. «I’m impressed by the diversity at Indigo: it’s great to see artists from all over the world, as well as local artists from New York. The colors and high-definition artwork were particularly stimulating. I’m going to come back,» affirmed Lawton.

First-time Indigo attendee Shawn Curtin, a Designer at New Era Cap, was also pleased to see variety at Indigo. «I liked the wide range of prints and patterns. There’s an excellent selection here,»said Curtin.

Bright colors and creative techniques flourished in the studios’ Summer ‘15 collections. Studio Eleven’s (US) hand-painted designs included architectural ornaments and faux finishes. Keelergordon (UK) displayed eye-catching combinations of neutral and neon colors. Blurred florals and bright tropicals were among Baxter Fawcett’s (UK) most popular prints. A nautical theme could be seen throughout Davina Nathan Design’s (CA) work, with octopuses, starfish and seashells. Purplethum (US) offered bold primary-colored prints, cloud prints and deconstructed graphics. For the home design market, Amy Ormond (US) brought organic geometrics and lattice patterns.

«I absolutely found everything I was looking for,»commented first-time attendee, Erin Poore, Assistant Designer at Dolfin Swimwear. This between-seasons show wraps up the Summer ‘15 season for Indigo New York. They are looking forward to presenting their Fall Winter ‘15-’16 show at Pier 92.

by #Première Vision SA

Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 650 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Moda, Indigo New York luxo, feira, Première Vision SA | Ranking: 0.0/0
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