#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Março » 31 » HONG KONG LEADS THE LUXURY TRAVEL CHARGE AT ILTM ASIA

ILTM Asia 2015

ILTM Asia has revealed that the numbers of luxury travel agents from Hong Kong who will attend the 2015 event in Shanghai (1 – 4 June) are already significantly greater than those that attended ILTM Asia 2014. Over 50 discerning buyers will attend from the city – 30% of whom will be new faces representing Hong Kong wealthy on the invitation list.

Due to the size of its population, Hong Kong has one of the world’s highest departure rates per population. Outbound travel from Hong Kong is predicted to rise from 11.4 million outbound travellers in 2015 to 12.6 million by 2018 according to the Hong Kong Tourism Report 2014.

It is at the luxury end of the Hong Kong travel market that defines its differences from its Mainland Chinese counterparts. Whereas luxury travellers from Mainland China seek shopping as the number one priority when travelling, Hong Kong luxury travellers are seeking more experiential travel with fine dining, entertainment and spas as their priorities (Ruder Finn & IPSOS 2015 China Luxury Forecast).

Alison Gilmore, Senior Exhibition Director, ILTM Portfolio comments:
“ILTM Asia is a platform for an exclusive array of luxury travel products: boutique hotels, destination and hotel spas, cruises from the Galapagos to Indonesia and Antarctica, private islands and gastronomic destinations to meet the most demanding of buyers hand picked from 21 countries across Asia.  Luxury travellers from Hong Kong and China are increasingly seeking a range and breadth of fresh, exciting ideas and the choice at ILTM Asia will be invaluable to their travel planners and agents.”

ILTM Asia is an invitation-only event, created to build luxury travel business across Asia. Now in its 9th year, the organisers of ILTM Asia 2015 are on track to identify, qualify and invite up to 200 new planners of luxury travel itineraries from both HK and China.

ILTM Asia invites and hosts only those Asian buyers who have significant business to place with exhibitors from multiple global destinations.

To register for accreditation and for further information, please see http://www.iltm.com/asia/buyers/enquire/

#GHC Asia
Categoria: #Luxo | Visualizações: 747 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: www.iltm.com, Which, luxury, ILTM Asia, 50 discerning buyers, 9th year, ILTM Asia 2015, 1 – 4 June 2015, sees, Shanghai | Ranking: 0.0/0
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