#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Agosto » 26 » Highlights from the 3rd Annual Columbia Fashion Week @ColaFashionWeek
Highlights from the 3rd Annual Columbia Fashion Week @ColaFashionWeek

The 3rd Annual Fashion Week kicked off on Tuesday, June 17th with the 4th Annual Beautiful People Party!  Hosted by the lovely, and ever-stylish Janet Parker, the Beautiful People Party honored the winners of the 25 Most Stylish People in Columbia Contest.  For weeks leading up to  Fashion Week, everyone in the city was invited to nominate those they considered the "most stylish."  After an online survey, 25 popular vote winners emerged and were recognized at the party.  The Director's Pick winners were specially selected by the founder of Columbia Fashion Week, Alicia Zeigler, to be included on the 25 Most Stylish list, and were invited to the stage to be gifted a framed, personalized certificate and gift bag.  The event was fabulous start to fashion week - Studio Cellar was packed wall to wall with Columbia's beautiful people! (featured below: Jeff March, Amanda Gosnell, Richard Sims. Featured on the right: Janet Parker of WACH FOX 57)
Kids Runway Revolution Showcase

Paul Mitchell the School Columbia transformed the styling floor into a fun and unique setting for the Kids Runway Revolution Showcase! Guests seated in the salon chairs applauded as adorable models paraded up and down the aisles in gorgeous designs from featured designer Ambrosia Star.

Kiosha Gregg of Digitize Marketing hosted and organized our amazing and educational annual Columbia Fashion Week fashion panel - "Get Social: Launch Your Career & Build Your Brand Through Social Media".  The audience was excited to ask questions and receive great advice from expert panelists Elliot Carlyle, Camille Key, Janet Parker, Alicia Zeigler, Ryan Philemon and Erica Arcilesi. Alicia Zeigler also presented the first ever Josh Ratliff Award for excellence in fashion to Elliot Carlyle, Camille Key, and Linda Ratliff, to honor Josh Ratliff's memory and recognize his impact on the fashion industry. Special thank you to SOCO-The Columbia CO-Work for hosting!
Friday Designer Runway Showcase & After PartyThe grounds of the historic Robert Mills House proved to be a beautiful location for the Friday night Designer Runway Showcase.  It was hot outside, but the fashions were hotter!  Friday's showcase featured collections from Vestique in Five Points, Wish Boutique, plus featured designer Tsvety McAuliffe.  Afterwards, guests headed to Studio Cellar for the after party, hosted by Neek of 103.9, with an incredible performance from soul artist Collette.

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Columbia Fashion Week
Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 663 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: highlights, 3rd Annual, thank you, Everyone, 3rd Annual Columbia Fashion Week, Columbia Fashion Week, joined | Ranking: 0.0/0
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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