#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Junho » 6 » Hauser Wirth + Schimmel
Hauser Wirth + Schimmel

Hauser Wirth + Schimmel To Open in a Sprawling Historic Flour Mill in Downtown L.A.

Iwan Wirth, president and owner of Hauser & Wirth, the internationally acclaimed gallery of contemporary art and modern masters with exhibition spaces in Zurich, London, and New York, announced today the company's new Los Angeles venue will be located at 901 East 3rd Street, in a historic 100,000 square foot flour mill complex in the city's burgeoning downtown Arts District. Under the direction of partner Paul Schimmel, Hauser Wirth & Schimmel will transform the site's sprawling collection of late 19th and early 20th century buildings and outdoor spaces into a dynamic multi-disciplinary arts center. The new venue will offer innovative exhibitions, museum-caliber amenities, and a robust schedule of public programs that contextualize the art on view, drawing upon, illuminating, and contributing to the urban culture of L.A. Like Hauser & Wirth Somerset, the gallery's exhibition and outdoor art facility opening in July 2014 on the historic Durslade Farm at the edge of the ancient town of Bruton in southwest England, Hauser Wirth & Schimmel proposes a new paradigm for the 21st century art gallery.
In January 2015, Hauser Wirth & Schimmel will host a three-month group exhibition in the raw, un-renovated spaces of 901 East 3rd Street, focusing upon Los Angeles artists who have emerged in the past fifteen years. The facility, for which the gallery has signed a long-term lease, will then close for renovation and open to the public permanently the following winter. The renovation will be overseen by the L.A. real estate and project management firm Creative Space, working with the direct support of Los Angeles City Councilman José Huizar and Council District 14.

Los Angeles artists represented by Hauser & Wirth include Mark Bradford, Thomas Houseago, Richard Jackson, Rachel Khedoori, Paul McCarthy, Sterling Ruby, Diana Thater, and the late artists Allan Kaprow and Jason Rhoades.

by #
Andrea Schwan

Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 573 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: downtown, Schimmel T, arte, L.A., luxo, Sprawling Historic Flour Mill, museu, Hauser Wirth | Ranking: 0.0/0
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