#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Dezembro » 24 » Happy Holiday Season - Pitti Immagine Fragranze
Happy Holiday Season - Pitti Immagine Fragranze

Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season, Pitti Immagine Fragranze would like to give you a few samples of “perfumed literature"

In the many pages on perfume there is everything and more. Characters, worlds, bodies, thoughts…” ...” is how Giovanna Zucconi, the journalist and radio-TV personality expressed it in her book, La Voce è profumo (Mondadori Editore). Ms. Zucconi was the curator of the Verba Olent – A Journey Through the Literature of Scent project at the September 2014 edition of Fragranze.  

We wanted to share some of the passages that were featured in the Verba Olent exhibition-installation and which are clear praises of our sense of smell:


“The sense of smell is to taste what sight is to touch; it goes before it and gives it warning that it will be affected by this or that substance; and it inclines it to seek or shun this experience according to the impressions received beforehand. Odours alone are slight sensations; they affect the imagination rather than the senses, and they work mainly through the anticipations they arouse.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, "Emile"
 Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself

The atmosphere is not a perfume, it has no taste of the distillation, it is odorless, 
It is for my mouth forever, I am in love with it…” 


  Charles Baudelaire, “All in One”

O mystic fusion that, enwreathing my senses, fuses each in each! To hear the music of her breathing. And breathe the perfume of her speech.



He believed that this sense could give one delights equal to those of hearing and sight;
each sense being susceptible, if naturally keen and if properly cultivated,
to new impressions, which it could intensify,
coordinate and compose into that unity which constitutes a creative work.

 Joris Karl Huysmans, "Against the Grain"


Gabriele D'Annunzio, "Il Piacere"

"Just as a phial, after many years can still give off the fragrance of the essence it once contained, certain objects can also conserve some vague part of love….."

#Pitti Immagine
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